Daily Affirmations


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When we focus on the present moment, look around at what we have, and hear the sounds around us, we can find small areas of thankfulness.

To keep positive, I encourage you to visit https://www/.dailyaffirmation.site
Then use the 31 pages in this book to:
Write down Your Daily Motivations – https://www.dailymotivation.site/motivations/
Write down Your Daily Affirmations – https://www.dailymotivation.site/affirmations/

Writing on paper helps to evoke five of our six senses:
Sight, Smell, Sound, Touch, and Perception


SKU: xm7wx Category:

When we focus on the present moment, look around at what we have, and hear the sounds around us, we can find small areas of thankfulness.

To keep positive, I encourage you to visit https://www/.dailyaffirmation.site
Then use the 31 pages in this book to:
Write down Your Daily Motivations – https://www.dailymotivation.site/motivations/
Write down Your Daily Affirmations – https://www.dailymotivation.site/affirmations/

Writing on paper helps to evoke five of our six senses:
Sight, Smell, Sound, Touch, and Perception


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Daily Affirmations

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Daily Affirmations

$11.11 Buy Now

Daily Affirmations

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Daily Affirmations

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