The world of book publishing has undergone significant transformation. When eBooks started to rise in popularity, there were questions if print books would become the new dinosaurs. Many brick and mortal libraries shuttered their doors and began to only offer digital resources. And with the growing influence of social media, writers and authors must adapt to a landscape that is constantly evolving. Let’s explore the current trends in book publishing.
1. The Shift to Digital Publishing
Although the rise of eBooks and audiobooks has revolutionized the way readers read, print books are still available. With traditional publishing authors had to buy a bulk order of 100 or more books. Now with print-on-demand or digital publishing, authors can order one or more copies of their printers. Because digital publishing eases the financial burden and enables global publishing for authors and bookstores, print-on-demand will continue to outpace traditional print publishing. The global eBook market is projected to reach $22.6 billion by 2026 with audiobooks seeing a surge in popularity and projected to grow by nearly 25% annually. Marketing Strategy: At By Any Ink Necessary, we provide the tools to learn how use digital publishing to your advantage and can help you with your digital publishing needs.
2. The Rise of Alternate Publishing
Alternate Publishing has dramatically disrupted the traditional book publishing industry. Authors are empowered to publish their books independently, by directly contracting with editors, cover design artists, and printers. As a result, alternate publishing continues to grow, especially among authors looking for greater creative control, lower upfront expenses, and greater financial freedom. Alternate publishing offers benefits such as faster time-to-market and greater profit margins; however, it also requires authors to take on more responsibility dealing with the mirage of publishing contractors. It’s easy to begin the process, yet reaching the outcome of a published book may become overwhelming. Marketing Strategy: At By Any Ink Necessary we can provide the assistance to work with the contractors while the writer/author can focus their energy on writing.
3. Social Media as a Key Marketing Tool
Publishing the book is only the beginning of the long road of marketing. Book reviews, author interviews, and writing group discussions are becoming the most powerful tools for book promotion. These tools can be shared across multiple platforms to reach a wider audience. Almost every social media outlet offers authors and publishers an opportunity to interact with readers and build a fanbase. Marketing Strategy: At By Any Ink Necessary, we provide the expertise for book promotion while allowing you to focus on your writing passions.
4. Marketing with Book Reviews
Did you know if you write a book review for another author, you have the opportunity to market your books in your signature byline. Readers often rely on reviews before making a purchase. The book review is a win-win for the review writer and the books authors to connect with readers who can help spread the word about their work. Marketing Strategy: At By Any Ink Necessary we prepare you for writing book reviews and provide free sites to post your work. As the book publishing industry continues to evolve, By Any Ink Necessary and our partners continue to offer technological advancements and learning opportunities to enhance your written work. We will help you to stay ahead of the curve by embracing your publishing need and marketing strategies.